Innovative. Sustainable. Connected. Whether it’s a trendsetting summit, a practical webinar or an exciting networking event for the electrical and electronics industry – SECONTRADE was on-site this spring to help shape a sustainable future.

Together with pioneers, experts and decision-makers, we promoted the exchange of solutions and innovations for a practised circular economy in Austria and Europe.

Circular Economy Summit Austria – Summit for a circular future

On 28th May, the Circular Economy Summit took place in Vienna under the motto “Circular Leadership & Policy”. Organised by the Circular Economy Forum and supported by the Ministry of Climate Action (BMK), the event provided a platform for decision-makers from business, politics, administration and civil society. The focus was on solutions and best practices for a competitive economy and resilient supply chains in Europe. A special highlight was the Expo, where SECONTRADE was also represented with its own booth. We are very pleased that our digital marketplace has attracted so much interest as a contribution to a circular economy in practice – including from Climate Action Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler. The event also offered interesting discussions, a good dialogue and exciting inputs from the industry.

Webinar on the circular economy as a path to success

The webinar „Der erfolgreiche Weg zur Kreislaufwirtschaft“ organised by Klimabündnis Österreich took place on 29th May. The main focus was on the recycling of food, old IT equipment and raw materials as well as social inclusion in waste management. Around 30 participants from the Klimabündnis network in Upper Austria and Salzburg took part in the event, including representatives from municipalities, educational institutions and the private sector. Simon Tumler MSc, a pioneer of circular economy, opened with an exciting presentation on the role of employees in the implementation of circular economy in companies. DI Wolfgang Bartel from the Bezirksabfallverband Perg introduced impressive regional waste management projects, including the reuse of cooking oil. As a best practice for sustainable business and entrepreneurial success, raw material expert Katharina Mitsch presented our digital marketplace SECONTRADE.

C2C network event „Elektronik zieht Kreise”

Together with respACT, the Cradle2Cradle NGO Vienna hosted the networking event ” Elektronik zieht Kreise” on 10th June at the Infineon Hub at Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). Our Managing Director Brigitte Reich was on site as a speaker and discussing solutions for a circular electronics industry.

Daniel Meissl from the C2C regional group in Vienna opened the event with an inspiring presentation on the cradle-to-cradle principle. Brigitte Reich furthermore discussed the opportunities and challenges of dealing with electronic waste. She emphasised the importance of increasing the recycling rate, as according to UNITAR’s Global E-Waste Monitor 2024, only 22.3% of global e-waste is recycled in an environmentally friendly way. Robin Angelé from Commown presented the revolutionary concept of “Product as a Service”, where electronic products are rented instead of purchased. Anna Sieber from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) demonstrated innovative methods for metal recovery from batteries using bacteria. The event highlighted the key role of digital technologies in a lived circular economy and promoted the exchange between research and industry.

These events laid the foundation for further initiatives and collaborations to create a sustainable and resilient future together.